Ground Travel Security With Executive Protection Training

During road movements is among the best times for attacks on your main. Most executives do not know about the risks and just care about using a smooth ride. Criminals and terrorists alike utilize surveillance to follow the executive limo. A favorite method from the Philippines is just one bad man’s car blocks the limousine from the front while another pulls up behind.

If the door is locked, the window is taken out and the executive is often dragged through it, i.e.: the botched kidnap attempt of Philippine Coca-Cola executive Betty on November 18, 2003. She had been shot twice in the perfect leg and bled to death because of her wounds. Vary your times and paths driving to and from the airport, hotel and multi-venue locations. If at all possible, use different construction entrances and exits. Oftentimes Pacific West Academy on mission in Asia and India often use hotel chauffeurs without a security driver training or safety details. They are trained in guest services; they just worry about not damaging the car and providing executives with a comfy ride.

If this is true; Train the chauffeur to always look around for possible avenues of escape. Tell the chauffeur to prevent one-way roads, bridges and narrow alleyways, etc. Constantly watch for the classic fake automobile accident and injury in addition to the classic staged roadblocks by criminals or terrorists disguised as police, army or street crew personnel.

If something does not look or feel right, trust your gut. If you sense trouble, do not put it aside. Take action and leave the region immediately. Drive to the closest safe haven designated embassy, police station, hospital, fire station or upscale shopping area. Learn how to recognize threat activities on the street: a flagman or workman trying to stop your car or truck ahead, phony police or authorities checkpoints and odd detours. Keep a mindset that is prepared and unpredictable while during earth travel. Keep safe and God speed.

Then they assessed the monkeys’ taste for every toy by measuring how long they spent with each. Their data demonstrated that male verve monkeys showed considerably increased interest in the manly toys, along with the female verve monkeys showed considerably increased interest in the female toys. Both sexes did not differ in their taste for the neutral toys.
